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Corporate Social Responsibility

07 nov. 2016

AfrAsia Bank And Movember: The Fight Against Cancer Continues

The main objective of the Bank this year is to donate a cancer screening machine, worth MUR2.5millions to Link to Life Mauritius. By joining the Movember movement, AfrAsia Bank gets closer to Goal 3, one of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, in support of “promoting healthy living and well-being for all at all ages”

It is the third consecutive year that the Bank is supporting Movember, a hallmark charity event, encouraging men to grow moustaches for the month of November, to raise funds and awareness for men’s health.

“I’m proud of the enthusiasm and passion that so many of our employees and clients have shown for fundraising and supporting Link to Life. It is truly inspiring. Cancer affects around 1,500 men every year in Mauritius, and this must change. By getting on board this campaign we want to help people in Mauritius find crucial information about cancer, at a time they need it most.” stated Sanjiv Bhasin, Chief Executive Officer of AfrAsia Bank.

This year again 20 male employees of AfrAsia Bank will join the 'Movember' initiative to help raise awareness for cancers affecting men. They are challenged to grow moustaches during the thirty days of November to trigger conversations around them with the aim to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments. Besides annual check-ups, men are encouraged to be aware of their family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Throughout the year, there have been numerous initiatives undertaken by the Bank in association with Link to Life Mauritius; through our employee welfare programmes such as Women’s Health month, health talks and awareness sessions in April 2016. The “Ebene joining hands” initiative organized last August 2016, a first-timer in Mauritius, was also directed at growing awareness on the importance of regular cancer screening.

“Through the cancer awareness campaigns we find that men are becoming more and more cancer conscious, but even so, it remains a taboo topic for many! We want to encourage men to speak out & break the taboo! MOVEMBER is at our doorstep, be brave, talk about it and get proper screening!” stated Elizabeth Dalais, President of Link to Life Mauritius.

This Charity Oscar night would not be possible without the generous contribution of our sponsors notably Air Mauritius, The Westin Turtle Bay Resort & Spa, Radio One, Phoenix Beverages Group, Adamas, T-Printers, Think Interactive, LUX* and Heritage Golf Club.

How can you help?

There will be a live auction and charity dinner on Friday 25 November at The Westin Turtle Bay Resort & Spa to raise funds for the cancer screening machine. Tickets are available through Link to Life Mauritius, and sold at Rs3, 500 per person and Rs35, 000 for a table of 10 persons.

A 5-course meal, an entertainment by renowned local artists, an after party as well as other surprises will be proposed to make this evening a memorable one. For all bookings, any interested person should call Link to Life Mauritius on 686 0666, Selvina at 5968 1416, Cindy 5968 1419 or Javed 5968 1420.


Since its humble beginnings in 2003 in Melbourne, Australia, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring Mo Bros to participate across 21 countries worldwide, from Moscow to Rio de Janeiro. Since 2003, over 4 million Mo Bros around the world joined the movement, raising USD $559 million.