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28 Feb 2025

AfrAsia Bank wins “Best FX Bank in Mauritius 2025” from Global Finance.

AfrAsia Bank is proud to announce that it has been awarded “Best FX Bank in Mauritius 2025” by Global Finance for the 3rd consecutive year. This prestigious award further cements our reputation for excellent performance in foreign exchange services, and is a testament to our "Bank Different" philosophy.


Thierry Vallet, Founder Executive and CEO of AfrAsia Bank, comments that “this distinguished accolade reflects our collective efforts, highlighting the Bank’s commitment to service excellence. Being recognised by Global Finance underscores the capabilities and expertise of our Treasury and Markets team. It reinforces our position as the go-to bank for FX solutions, both locally and internationally.”


In the recent past, the Bank was awarded several notable recognitions, including the award of “Bank of the Year 2023 in Mauritius” by Financial Times - The Banker; three prestigious awards from Euromoney, including “Best Private Bank 2024”, “Best High Net Worth Bank 2024”, and “Best Bank for Investment Research 2024.”


The winners of the Best Foreign Exchange Banks Award by Global Finance are chosen based on key criteria, including transaction volume, market share, global reach, excellent customer service, reliability, resilience, innovation and competitive pricing among others.