Why invest in Mauritius?
Mauritius enjoys a solid reputation as an international financial centre. It is ranked first in Africa for political and economic stability, ease of doing business and the strength of its governance and institutions. Thanks to its location at the crossroads between Africa and Asia, Mauritius is the perfect place from which to invest in both regions.
A robust financial hub
There are 19 Banks licensed by the Bank of Mauritius.
- The Bank of Mauritius and the Financial Services Commission regulate and supervise the Banking & Financial Services sector;
- Risk-based supervision coupled with a robust regulatory framework within a business-friendly environment;
- Strict AML/CFT laws and member of Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG), associate member of FATF
- Fully supports international initiatives e.g. Basel Committee, IOSCO, IAIS, OECD/CRS;
- OECD Rating – Mauritius evaluated as ‘Compliant’ with global tax laws
World Bank Doing Business 2020
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank13/190
Global Competitiveness Index 2020 – World Economic Forum
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank54/140
Corruption Perceptions Index 2019 - (Transparency International)
Africa Rank2nd
Global Rank52/180
International Property Rights Index 2019
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank40/128
Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance 2020
Africa Rank1st
Press Freedom Index 2019 - (Reporters without Borders)
Africa Rank5th
Global Rank58/180
The A.T. Kearney Global Services Location Index 2019
Africa Rank2nd
Global Rank30/50
2018 Index of Economic Freedom - (Heritage Foundation)
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank25/180
Economic Freedom of the World 2019- (Fraser Institute)
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank11/162
Human Development Index 2019
Africa Rank2nd
Global Rank66/188
Mercer’s 2019 Quality of Living Survey
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank83/230
Forbes Survey of Best Countries for Business 2019
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank39/161
The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness 2019
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank54/136
Social Progress Index 2019
Africa Rank1st
Global Rank44/149
DTAS between Mauritius and other countries
So far Mauritius has concluded 46 tax treaties and is party to a series of treaties under negotiation. The treaties currently in force are:

Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPA)
- Mauritius offers full protection of foreign investments in key African nations through its network of IPPAs.
- The IPPAs guarantee Mauritian investment with respect to expropriation and social unrest in contracting states. They also provide for arrangements for settlement of disputes between investors and the contracting states.