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Governance Framework

Governance Framework

AfrAsia Bank Limited has a unitary board of directors, experienced, well-known and high caliber members from both local and international financiers. 

The Board of Directors assumes responsibility for leading and controlling the organisation and meeting all legal, statutory  and regulatory requirements. It is also responsible for the overall stewardship of the Bank and thus plays a key role in ensuring that the appropriate level of corporate governance is maintained.

AfrAsia’s Board Committees are set up to enable the Board to discharge its powers and duties necessary for managing, directing and supervising the management of the business and affairs of the Bank.

The Bank has in place seven Board Committees for more in-depth analysis and review of various issues as may be appropriate. A report is prepared by each Board Committee and presented to the Board after each meeting.

The Bank’s Board Committees are: Corporate Governance Committee, Credit Committee, Risk Committee, Audit Committee, Technology, Digitalisation & Platforms Committee, Remuneration Committee, Strategy Committee and Conduct Review Committee.


  • Teamwork
  • Customer Experience
    Customer Experience
  • Innovation
  • Sustainability